Haskap berry in child nutrition – part 2

Haskap berry in child nutrition – part 2


Haskap berry is a rich source of not only vitamins C and A, but also calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. The berries contain approx. 38mg of calcium per 100g of fruit. For comparison, pomegranate fruit contains 10 mg of this compound, and apples only 3 mg. Calcium plays a very important role in children’s diet. Until the 6th month of life, babies should only be fed breastfeed or modified milk, but after this period it is worth introducing calcium into the child’s diet in a different form. Calcium is the basic building block of bones and is also responsible for proper blood clotting. If the diet is deficient in calcium, the body draws it from the bones, which leads to their weakening. The ossification process will be disturbed, postural defects may occur, as well as problems with dentition. Haskap berries due to the fact that they are a rich source of this element, ideally suited as an addition to desserts or dishes for the youngest. It is worth adding them to pies, pancakes, fruit purees or natural yoghurt.

In addition to calcium, haskap berries contain a lot of potassium, about 190mg in 100g and this is one of the highest results in all fruits, just after the pomegranate. Six months old babies need about 700 mg of this macroelement daily, while nursing mothers – over 5100mg. Potassium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the work of all muscles, as it participates in the formation of nerve impulses and regulates the pressure between the interior of the cells and their external environment. Their deficiency leads to exhaustion, weakness and apathy. A serious consequence of potassium deficiency is muscle disorder, including myocardium. The lack of this macroelement, which lasts for a long time, contributes to the development of kidney stones and cardiovascular diseases.

Berries are great for preparing desserts for children. You can also add them to a natural yoghurt and mix it. They also taste very well as an ingredient in cakes, muffins and biscuits. We invite you to read our recipes!