NFC – not from concentrate

NFC – juices not from concentrate

NFC juices conquer the Polish market and consumers’ hearts. In our store, there are no haskap berry juices from concentrate – we offer only completely natural, free of any preservatives, sweeteners and other additives juices. Nature itself! Why is it worth to start drinking NFC juices?

NFC juices are, as the name suggests, direct juices, created by pressing or squeezing raw fruits or vegetables and  not from concentrate. These juices are naturally cloudy, without any preservatives, sugar, water or other additives. They are often pasteurized in a traditional way, allowing them to be stored longer.

Natural NFC juices are rich in beneficial compounds from the group of polyphenols, which have a strong anti-cancer and protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. Cloudy juices, according to prof. Jan Oszmiański from the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, contain four times more of these chemical compounds than clear juices. NFC juices are also rich in antioxidants, which slow down the aging processes of our bodies, as well as many vitamins and fiber. Thanks to this richness of minerals and vitamins, juices from concentrate are becoming more and more popular among Poles. In 2010-2014, the consumption of NFC juices in Poland increased by 57%, which is an excellent result, in particular if you compare this data with the rest of Europe. At the same time, the average increase in these juices increased there only by 12.5%.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our offer of NFC juices.