Probiotics – natural fertilizers

Probiotics – natural fertilizers

On our haskap berries plantation we use only natural fertilizers – probiotics. Thanks to this, we can not only reduce production costs, but also grow completely ecological plants, free from artificial fertilizers.

Probiotics are becoming more and more popular among farmers, although they are still unfortunately not used on a larger scale. Probiotic fertilizers are nothing but natural substances containing selected strains of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, whose task is to regulate life processes in the soil. It is best to use them in combination with natural fertilization, eg manure, which is rich in organic matter. Microbes have a beneficial effect on the soil and plants growing in it. They accelerate the decomposition of matter, thanks to which fertile humus is formed and they help plants to increase resistance to diseases and pests. Probiotics also improve the viability of the soil. Intensively fertilized soil, loses useful microorganisms, becomes sterile and degrades.

It is very important to educate farmers in the use of probiotics. They fully replace chemical fertilizers and are completely natural. Plants grow better in soil rich in microorganisms, and thus, yields are higher. Nitrogen contained in artificial fertilizers oxidizes organic carbon, and the consequence of this is the disappearance of crumb space in the soil. This space is important to keep the much-needed water in the ground. Thanks to the use of probiotics, you can effectively normalize water conditions, which will bring enormous savings.